Thursday, April 29, 2010
I was very happy to hear from dad tonight since he said it would be a couple days last I talked to him on Tuesday. He stated they have had some miserable cold and very windy weather and are glad to be down off the mountain now. They are spending the night in a motel in Warner Springs tonight (Fri 4/29) and looking forward to sleeping in a BED for a change, I'm sure. Dad loved his 3-hour soak in 102 degree temp hot springs today. He was talking to a friend before leaving on this hike and the friend's response to the 2,656 mile walk was "Wow, I guess life doesn't begin at 40". I will also attach dad's email tonight and we have some pictures now!! Yay!
"I will try to bring you up to date on the trip. I have hiked 109 miles and am in Warner Springs. The weather has been very bad the last two days; up to 70 mile per hour gusts. Glad we were on the side of the mountain where the wind was blowing us into the mountain rather than away. Lots of sheer drops and lots of very steep terrain. Trip has been good as far as the hike is concerned.
There is much to write about and so much more to see. On Sunday morning I got up at 1:30 in the morning to shower, I forgot my towel so had to use toilet tissue to dab myself dry, I thought it may be interesting to all to know it takes approx 31 feet to do the job!! We hiked to Mt laguna on sunday afternoon; a real climb and hot. Camped there and left early the next morning for the Sunrise Hwy crossing, arriving about 5:30. That was a water supply. Have had to carry up to 5 litres of water so the pack has been heavy, I think about 34 pounds with all the stuff. The next day was to Scissors Crossing about 18 miles about. About 10 miles out someone had set up portable showers and a snack bar - boy did that feel good. We got into scissors crossing about 5:30 and made camp. The next day we hiked almost 22 miles. There were terrible winds and very cold. Finally found a place to camp off trail. It was cold and windy and rained in the night so everything was wet this morning (Fri 4/29), Anyway we broke camp at 5:30 and headed on down the mountain, when we got to Barrel Springs there was some trail angels with hot coffee, toasted bagels and fresh fruit. What a treat that was!! We were there about 45 minutes then continued on to Warner Springs. There is a hot springs there and that was very nice for some tired bones. Had a good supper at the local cafe so will probably head out tomorrow am sometime. We have to resupply here. The snow is very bad in the mountains so may have to detour around some of the bad spots. All is well and have had no trouble with the feet. Know that the hide glide that I have been using is the reason. I use it every morning, I will try and send some pictures. will let this be all foe now. Love you all Dad"

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
"Just putting one foot in front of the other!"
Heard from dad around 5:00 pm today. He is at mile marker 78 at Scissors Crossing. Aiming for Warm Springs in around 2 days. Just got done hiking 19 miles today and he's doing well. His cell battery had just a little life left in it and he said we probably wouldn't hear from him for a couple days.
That's it for this time. Short, sweet, to the point and a relieved daughter!! Nice to hear his vibrant voice today.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Dad called today (Fri) around 12:30 pm and sounded really good and like he was, well, walking the trail. I could hear the wind blowing in the background. He said it's been cold but that they're all doing well. There are some that walk a little faster than he does and some that walk a little slower than he does. He said he's usually around 15-20 minutes behind the others. Said he's letting his body warm up before he "takes off". Oh, goodness...
Julie talked with him too and had this to share..."Say, I just talked to him, and he said he’s 35 miles in so far. He’s heading back to the campsite. He said the weather is supposed to lift up Sunday, so they’re planning on heading back out from the campsite early Sunday morning. He’s going to stop along the trail at 10:30am and have his little meeting. He said, “when you’re praying in meeting, I will be to.” Cute, huh?
He said he sent 4 pictures, but I didn't get them. He's going to wait to re-send them again when phone reception is a little better. Come on Verizon, don't fail us now!!!
Please feel free to offer any words of encouragement knowing they will be passed along to dad.
Heard from dad yesterday (Thurs. 4/22) around 3:49 pm - sounds like he's ran into some weather that he was not anticipating, which is too bad...
"After I arrived at the campsite was treated to supper courtesy of a trail angel.pitched my tent and crawled in about 8 30. This morning the plan was to get a ride up go mtn laguna and hike back to the campsite. I got up there and it was snowing hard. The wind was blowing hard and it wax zero visibility . Needless to say I was not prepared for that so came back to the campsite. They are forecasting 18 inches of new snow by tomorrow night (Fri 4/23) so¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ we will see what happens. At least I will be hiking with others in a couple of days. All is going well but did not anticipate this bad weather. Will send more later." Love you all. DAD
I will keep you posted as I hear more . . . hope he's taking pictures!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
6 Miles In!!
Julie talked with dad at 10:00am - After hiking 6 miles, he’s was sitting on the top of a bluff overlooking the California/Mexican border – eating a loaf of banana bread. 6 of them started out together and were sitting there together. He sounded awesome!
Arrived at the Trailhead
Had a quick email from dad and he arrived at the trailhead at 7:13 am this morning...wonder what he thinks NOW!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Dad took off from Bend, OR at 8:15 this morning headed for San Diego with a quick stopover in Portland. He was due to get into San Diego at 12:40 pm where the "trail angels" were going to meet him and his hiking partners (who got there about 45 minutes earlier) and take them home, feed them dinner, put them up for the night in what will probably be their last real "bed" for a while and then feed them a breakfast in the morning before taking them to the trail head!! He said that his pack weighs 16 lbs. Doesn't sound like much, but when you've carried it every day for over 2600 miles, I bet he'll beg to differ!
Still can't believe this is all really happening and hope for super days ahead for dad. I know there will be times that he thinks he's "crazy" for doing this, but how is one to ever know, unless they try it. Good luck dad, Happy Walking, and walking and walking...!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Getting Ready...
Dad and his tent, sleeping pad, sleeping bag, guide books. Oh, and walking sticks that also serve as the tent poles!
Assembling the tent.
It's a spoon, fork and knife all in one. I would say "spork", but knife has to fit in there somewhere too!
This is the most compact camp stove I have ever seen! It will boil a pan of water in around 3-4 minutes!! We got a demonstration - so it's true!!
Dad getting ready to demonstrate just how his compact camp stove works. It was amazing!
Getting Ready Cuz It's Really Gonna Happen!!
Dad has wanted to participate in this adventure for some time now, so come April 20th, he will begin his journey all the way UP the Pacific Crest Trail. He found a traveling partner that has done some hiking of his own on other trails and so agreed to accompany dad on this trek!!
We just got back from visiting dad before he leaves and were able to take a few pictures of his preparations and belongings. Doesn't look like very much to me, but I guess when all you're doing is putting one foot in front of the other for miles and miles, you wouldn't want to pack much. He's got everything all figured out just about down to the very ounce, so has been very conscious of what he's putting in his pack. His spiritual lifeline will be his bible and his natural lifeline will be his new Blackberry Storm that he's getting acquainted with.
We hope ya'll enjoy this blog and we will do our best to update on a fairly regular basis. We welcome your comments and encouragement along the way.
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