Friday, April 23, 2010


Dad called today (Fri) around 12:30 pm and sounded really good and like he was, well, walking the trail. I could hear the wind blowing in the background. He said it's been cold but that they're all doing well. There are some that walk a little faster than he does and some that walk a little slower than he does. He said he's usually around 15-20 minutes behind the others. Said he's letting his body warm up before he "takes off". Oh, goodness...

Julie talked with him too and had this to share..."Say, I just talked to him, and he said he’s 35 miles in so far. He’s heading back to the campsite. He said the weather is supposed to lift up Sunday, so they’re planning on heading back out from the campsite early Sunday morning. He’s going to stop along the trail at 10:30am and have his little meeting. He said, “when you’re praying in meeting, I will be to.” Cute, huh?

He said he sent 4 pictures, but I didn't get them. He's going to wait to re-send them again when phone reception is a little better. Come on Verizon, don't fail us now!!!

Please feel free to offer any words of encouragement knowing they will be passed along to dad.


  1. Fun to hear about your progress on the trail! I'll keep checking in on you... and you keep on truckin' -Nadine

  2. Sounds like rule #1 is “Expect the unexpected!” Just got home from AZ and checked your blog. Need to get your cell #. Keep putting one foot in front of the other! Bob Pfister
