Thursday, May 13, 2010


Dad called tonight around 7:20 pm and he is approx. 14 miles from I-15. He sent up his tent by a stream near Sherwood Lake. Got a shower and was able to wash his shirt too! He's had a busy week; covered 24 miles on Monday 5/10 and also 24 miles on Tuesday. Yesterday (Wed) and today he only did around 14 each day. Said it was really hot, but it's going good. Came across another trail angel yesterday that had root bear floats ready for the hikers. The same "angel" that provided the root beer floats also ended up taking him clear into town (24 miles and back) to get some more hiking clothes and wouldn't accept even a penny! Those angels are amazing, they show up out of nowhere and are always a welcome site indeed. Dad hopes to be at Cajon Junction tomorrow and will send more pictures to share of his journey. He sounded good, but tired and was ready to call it a day. We'll add more hopefully tomorrow night or Sat. am. Thanks for tagging along this "journey" with him. I share all of your comments and encouragement with him as they come in.


  1. Way to go Larry. Following your progress thru the blog and also map of the trail. Love the pictures. Beautiful scenery. Larry/Bonnie Lance.

  2. so fun to see the photos, I showed them to Warren now and he liked them too

  3. You're amazing Dad! Love you!!!

  4. Larry .... just got your link from Julie ! Awesome journey. Keep it up your making memories of a lifetime =>)
